Thursday, February 16, 2017

Our quieter week!

This week has been such a calm and quiet week for us!!

My helper left town for two weeks, so a dear friend took some additional children I watch off my hands for two weeks so my family could rest some.  This week has been SO nice!!

I love watching a house full of kids, and homeschooling, and everything else we do.  This keeps me organized, focused, busy, and fun!  But, like every other mom in the world...we all need a break from time to time.  Now, I was thinking to myself, how is 3 less kids a break?? I still have 4-6 at my house every day!!?!

Well, let me break down how awesome and chill this week has been for me!

Every morning I have been able to wake up at 7 (yes my kids are up no matter what), but then I get a good 30 minutes of quiet while my kids play and get dressed and I can do my devotions!!  Normally I am rushing to get everyone dressed before our extra kids show up, prep breakfast, and I dont' get that quiet start often.

Now, we go onto breakfast.  Our quiet, happy breakfast.  No hype from a house of friends showing up and it has been SO nice!!

Then we spend the morning cleaning up (like we always do) but it goes so much faster and more organized with only 2 big kids instead of 4-5 :)

School has been weird, because I got used to teaching 4 grades and keeping it incredibly orderly.  Now, I can do our lessons, ALL the lessons, in the mornings!  This leaves SO much time in our day for board games, legos, outside, and it's all calm and peaceful!  It's fun with friends, but definitely adds to the crazy level.

This week we took Mon and Tues off of school, JUST to enjoy playing, and running errands, and having Valentine's day!  Wednesday we popped back into school and we were refreshed and happy with it!

I have been spending my afternoons just resting finally!!  This has been much needed for me.  Since school is done in the mornings, I'm able to just spend a quiet resting time.

This break also reminded me WHY I do the homeschool schecdule we do.  We do year round 6 weeks on, 1 week off.  This was not our intial plan when we homeschooled, but we learned very early on, that our family does not do well with long breaks.  It makes us lazy, unorganized, and bored.

But also, after only 6 weeks I feel burned out... every time...

This fits so perfectly into our family doing 6 weeks of school and week of "adventures", vacations, or just good old fashioned play and family time!

So, all in all, I am just enjoying a quiet, peaceful, good family time type of week!  Moms, don't forget to TAKE A BREAK when you need it!!

Our kids are happier having just us, and our house is calmer.  I do love what I do, but we can't forget to take care of ourselves and our families too.

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