Friday, February 10, 2017

Take a break!

Slow down!!

Okay, I definitely do NOT like it when people tell me to slow down... especially when it's my doctor.

For years I have struggled with depression, anxiety, bipolar problems, and I felt that this last year I have made HUGE strides in combating it.  I still have my days I struggle, but with Bible time, self improvement, good friends, good music, working DAILY to keep my mind right, I have seen HUGE improvements in my mental health!

Now I apparently forgot to slow down physically.

People do not realize that I have physical health problems as well.  Fibromyalgia plays a big part of it.  Zeal helps me from being bed ridden most days, and keeps my pain levels down.  Healthy diet and meal planning does a LOT.  Working out keeps me healthy too.

This week my doctor informed me that I also have adrenal fatigue and thyroid imbalances.  It's now going to be me forcing a break on myself more than I wanted to.  It's a struggle when mentally we want to do so much and be "Supermom" and our body tells us no.  Now I have to relearn the balance.  I'm good at running hard, and I'm good at crashing.  Balance is a delicate thing that I am working on more each year.

What is adrenal fatigue?? It's when you run with chronic stress (physical and mental) and your adrenals start to not work right.  This causes SEVERE exhaustion, weight loss, hormone imbalances, sleep deprivation... all sorts of problems.  This does not work out well for a mom running after a house full of energetic kids.

I feel like I can never take a break because everyone needs me, but if I don't take a break for myself and I burnout, then what happens?

Now it's a balance of staying fit without overdoing it.  Eating right, but keeping high calorie.  And now adjusting to some new supplements and other things to balance my body!

This is NO joke!  I also hate to slow down.  As a mom when do we get to slow down and take a break?? Never, right?  Yes, we cook, clean, jump and play with our kids, work jobs, volunteer in different places, run to sports practice, and STILL try to find time for our husbands and ourselves as well.  Moms do NOT get a lot of breaks.

I have been pushing myself so hard and trying to do everything all the time, that my body has been telling me to slow down, and I never can.

Well, now it's not an options.

I'm So thankful for the people family and friends supporting and helping me.  Also reminder to ALL my mom friends... take a break!!

You do NOT have to be a pro with working out.  Just be healthy.  You don't have to have a spotless house.  Just be happy.  You don't have to volunteer everywhere.  Just show love.  And MOST importantly, TAKE TIME for yourself when you need it!!

Tonight I was also so thankful for a Ladies Night Painting (at Painting with a Twist).  Even though I was tired and stress and grumpy, just getting a couple hours with NO kids, and other friends to just relax, laugh, and enjoy time with is priceless!!

Things I am now going to be working on for my personal health and well being:

1) Learn when to say NO.  Other people are capable of stepping up when needed.

2) Learn to appreciate the small things more.  Sit and read.  Sit and listen to the kids when they need those 10 minutes.  Learn to be okay with sitting... not always doing.

3) Learn when to rest, but do NOT allow laziness and spiral for depression.

4) Learn to mentally slow down and study more! (especially during devotions).  I speed read, and rush everything.

5) Learn when to ask for help.  I love being the person that host things, and does everything.  So many times I need a LOT of help and support, but I don't want to be the whiny person that is a downer all the time.

6) Learn to take time for ME.  I love my family and children, but I also have been going to where I NEVER get a day off... from anything...ever.   I need to learn to slow down and take the serious "me" time when needed.

Remember that if I don't take care of myself then I can't be there to take care of my kids and family.

MOMS, it can be easy to not take care of yourself!!  Remember that if we crash, our family crashes with us.  Don't be afraid to ask for help, and take that necessary healing time when your body and mind need it.

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