Saturday, January 20, 2018

A random week of pictures in the life of our adventures.

So basically this week was a very off kilter week!

First we had a Holiday Monday off (for MLK day) and then Tuesday we had a storm day due to severe ice and possible snow, turning our school week into a fun schedule :)

Wednesday, we had a busy day but we also had kids start to get sick, and then Thursday we finished off our school week with three sick kids, and a very long weekend.

ON the good note:  I had a lot of sweet baby snuggle time.  I had a super long week to catch up on all my college homework!!  I also upsized my baby girl in to big girl clothes, and decorated my classroom, and overall had a lot of quiet fun, in spite of all the illness going around.

I'm also thankful for my great Bible study (Mom Strong) that has been helping me to stay encouraged!

Kids enjoyed the warm weather after the cold front.

Sweet girl at the Dr office

Boosting up so I don't get sick!

Sweet princess girl in her princess dress!

Fun new Makeup from Lipsense I'm hooked on!

Classroom science class ready

Added our new Ocean Theme

Sweet reading stories with daddy.

Got to meet the Ninja Turtles at the museum!

Husband got me a Instapot to replace my broken Crockpot

Coffee date with my Sam!

Makeup selfies practicing with help always.

This weekend has been quiet, laid back with lots of resting and recovering.  Enjoy our random week of pictures.

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