Sunday, February 11, 2018

Having a GREAT February... fight off winter blues!!

Hey everyone and Happy February!!

I looked back and was realizing all my "this time last year" posts are all the same.  Flu, sickness, depression, blahs.... overall "yuck" time of year!

This year is no different with feeling this way, the difference is not letting those feeling take control!

I get it.  Working full time, four kids, busy schedules, and this COLD wet yucky weather makes everything gloomy, BUT that doesn't change the "us" inside.

Every single day I wake up in pain and depression, and kids get fussy and sleep deprived, but don't focus on that.. instead shift to the AMAZING things I get to do every day. 

I get to watch children learn, grow, and love their life.  I get to snuggle four sweet adorable kids with unique personalities at home.  I get to have a great husband who provides a beautiful home and life for us!

The days get long, but just remember these few things:


 For me that includes Bible reading (even more in these tough months).  Encourage another person.  It's hard to be down about yourself if you're encouraging someone else.  Go out for a "coffee" time with someone, or even alone if needed.  Take time to rest!  Not lazy, but true rest and refreshment when you need it.
For me, that also means putting on some makeup, and doing my hair!
It can be so easy as a mom to just go into "lazy" mode... but when you feel down MAKE yourself get up and do what you need to feel pretty. :)

2) NO more Stinkin' Thinkin!

My Pastor's wife used to tell me "quit stinkin thinkin."  Guess what??  If you focus on the good stuff, it shows and it truly helps your attitude overall.
Go find something fun, exciting and new to do! 

3) Eat right!

  Yes, I do love my weekly pizza and coffee from Starbucks days, BUT make sure most of what you eat is healthy!  With less sun shine we also tend to eat not as well.  These are the months you need LOTS of extra nutrition, veggies, good proteins, etc.  I like to do packed out smoothies, good quality (high grain) bread, eggs, avocados, etc.  Every person has different dietary needs so do what you need to stay healthy. :)

4) Don't forget LOTS of water and exercise!

It's easy to get those winter blues and mope around.  Get up and even if you can't go walking outside, do some basic exercises in your own home!  It's FREE to do push ups, sit ups, lunges, running in place... download apps that can show you what you need as well!  Just get yourself moving!

This pretty much sums up some "winter blues" issues, but I like to remember that these painful and long weeks are only a short time.  Do what you must to push through it and keep a good attitude!  Remember, SUMMER is coming soon!!

  Throwback to last year's Valentine Baby!

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