Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Adventues in Florida!!

Hey ya'll!

I know this blog is kinda eclectic, but it IS all about our life.  Our adventures, our travels, and our homeschooling!

Covid has his my travels HARD!  Our trip to Big Bend had to be cacelled, then our epic two week road trip got downsized, but we still ended up with a great weekend in Florida!

My brother has an AMAZING fiance who is FROM Florida, so we went and spent some time with them and her family for a few days.  The kids and I thoroughly enjoyed time at the beach, sand, seashells, jet skiing, dolphin watching, and lots of family time!

Every vacation my kids beg to please stay home.  These boys are homebodies, and definitely don't like to disrupt their routine.  The sad thing for them is they have a mama who LOVES to travel!!  The gypsy soul in me runs deep, and although they don't love the idea of vacations, they always enjoy them while we are on them. 

Sadly we couldn't do Junior Ranger Badges as planned, which is our current obsession, but we did end up going to see the crystal beaches and ocean for the first time with the kids.

The family down there also took us on a dolphin cruise!!  This was a couple of hours of a very spacious boat, seagulls, dolphins, and amazing views!!

I am forever thankful for the opportunity and flexibility we have to travel and explore the world and make incredible memories as a family.  Memories made on salty air, high waves, clear oceans, and digging for seashells.  These are precious moments that we will have forever now!

Even if my kids don't always remember these things, I will.  

One day, when they grow up and look back, I do hope they look back with fondness and happy memories.

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