Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Rainy Day Adventures!!

Point of the day: Remember to take a step back from the busy-ness of life!

Yes, I really like to do "adventures" every day!  Yesterday was filled with play-dough, museums, outside fort building and so much fun!!  All that epic fun from yesterday gave us the perfect plan for today: Pajamas and Movies! (with a strong possibility of board games later)

I rarely do Pajama Days or Movie days!  When I don't get up, dressed, chores done, school done, etc, then I feel depressed and unmotivated.  This becomes so much worse during the rainy days.  This week I looked ahead at the weather, so yesterday we went out had a ton of fun, so that today was a planned "Pajama and Movie day."

What I love about these rare but relaxing days is that it becomes special.  The kids were excited to watch a movie this morning, have a late breakfast, and just spend a dreary day snuggled up and having fun.  We worked hard yesterday cleaning and planning, so today is just a fun family day.

These days make for fun memories, special times, and good quality family time!  I am all about being productive and feeling good, but I also want to slow down when we can and enjoy those "nothing" days.

Also doing these days gives us a quiet home, happy memories, and I got the chance to clean up as I need to without being a whirlwind!

So to all my friends and family I saw enjoy the rain, snuggle up when you can, and embrace these small happy moments with your family!  Slow down, enjoy the moment, and don't let the rain get you down and dreary!!

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