Friday, April 21, 2017

Easter tradition

Easter has always been a toned down holiday when I grew up. We didn't do big meals, but we did have chocolate, egg hunts, and often times new clothes.  We would wake up early, hunt eggs around our house (that we had spent the weekend dying), and then go to church in our new clothes and have a good family day!

Every year I get all the boys matching suits and shirts and we dress up fancy for Easter.  This year, however, I was excited to add the fun if matching me and my daughter for her first Easter and coordinating the boys!  We didn't go as formal as the past with the boys, but with the help of my mother in-law, we found great family outfits!

We also got to enjoy traditional dying if eggs with my mother and have a candy hunt at church!

The boys also like that after church we always watch the Resurrection movie (from Nest entertainment for children) and it helps them hear that story of Christ in a way they fully understand.

We are So thankful for a good church that preaches the Gospel, has good fun for the children, and encourages our family so much!  It brings even more special-ness to these holidays when you have church family to spend it with.

As the boys get older it's fun to see how we have created our own traditions and fun for them to remember and experience every year!

After the Easter, we had our random fun adventure by going to the zoo for bat day (so if course super hero costumes happened) and we even saw some Easter eggs in their aquarium!

The days happen fast, but the memories last forever.  It doesn't have to be expensive or over the top, but find something memorable to experience or plan with your family and make each holiday special.

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