Wednesday, May 3, 2017

MusiCollege Conference and what I learned!!

This last week I had the fortunate opportunity to attend the Majesty MusiCollege!  This is a great opportunity for EVERYONE!  They do training on church piano, vocal, conducting, how to sing congregational, choral, and WHY it is so important to have conservative music in churches!

I grew up with Patch the Pirate and Majesty Music, so for me it was a great experience learning from Ron and Shelly Hamilton and their staff!  When you spend 20 years listening and being encouraged from a family, it's great to finally be able to talk with them and get to know them a little bit.

Personally the piano courses (since I play piano a lot) for me were encouraging!  It can be hard to figure out a good balance and style for piano, and it's so easy to look at the great players and get discouraged.  This was a great way to bring things back into perspective!

At the end of the conference they did a LIVE performance of "Ocean Commotion" (a Patch adventure) and all the kids got to meet the REAL Patch the Pirate!  For the boys, this was their chance to meet a hero of theirs!  I am forever grateful that my parents raised me with good music and Godly character building of Patch the Pirate and I love that my children also get to grow up and be encouraged from it as well!.

They hold these conferences throughout the country every year, and I strongly encourage all to go!  You never know how one class or song or Patch Adventure may change the course of your family!

If you are ever looking for GOOD music for your children they will love check out :Majesty Music
Boys getting ready for the concert!

Mira meeting Princess Pirate!

Sam got to see Wise Guy and his parrot!

Patch the Pirate leading the singing

A chance to meet Sissy and Patch!

I am forever grateful to the Hamilton's and their ministry for providing Godly music and training for children and adults.   I am also so grateful for my parents for putting it into our home!  Now the next generation is able to grow up in it as well.

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