Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Why I love music!

Ephesians 5:19 - Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

Music for me is probably the most influential thing in my life.  It allows me to express my emotions more clearly, allows me to vent my frustration, or reduce my anxiety by playing.  As a child, music was fun for me!  I loved listening to concerts, watching adults play, singing in church, etc.  I started playing piano and then over the years added a multitude of instruments, including violin, flute, organ, accordion, and many more.  This was a way to keep me busy, engaged, and accomplish something productive.  

Psalms 71:23 - My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed

I never became the next Mozart, or famous musician, but as an adult I can play in church, teach others, and enjoy it with my children and family.  Music is a talent that I feel I can effectively share with my children and others as well.  It has become a way for me to serve in church ministry, and others.

The other day I came across an article that went through the science of WHY music is so great for children!  I am a HUGE advocate for music and children.  I loved Kindermusick classes when our kids were younger, and I am constantly finding ways to implement it strongly into our home school and daily activities.  I know it doesn't "make you smarter" but I found it helped our children be happier when there was happy music, and they learned quicker when things were put to music.  All children I know love music!

This article about music  I found just confirmed the many reasons I love to teach and play music.  It saddens me that SO many children are never able to learn music, or even are exposed to good music in any way.

Colossians 3:16 - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Music sets the mood for my day, the atmosphere of our home, and so much more!!  I am very particular about the music in our home because ALL music has major effects on our bodies, mind, and spirit.

I could go on all day about the importance of good quality and uplifting music, (like the great music aired on Heaven 88.7) but that is a rant for another day.  For today I will say how thankful I am that God blessed me with parents who were willing to invest their time, money, and lives to allow me to learn music that I can now pass down to my children.

When we wake up all grumpy and angsty attitudes, the first thing that helps me get my mind right is turning on the radio (computer) to Heaven 88.7 so my home is filled with peaceful, Godly music!  That allows my head to focus enough to dig into my Bible and get even more from it than I would otherwise.

Music is not without its sacrifice, but it is a lifelong skill that will help improve your children mentally, emotionally, and socially.  It allows them to accomplish great things with challenging themselves.  It allows them to learn how to work in groups with other musicians and students.  It also allows them to find a way to channel their feelings and emotions in a healthy way!

This last week my son and I were able to play a song for church.  Although it was short, and simple, I cannot help but be overwhelmed with the fact that God is allowing my children to grow up serving Him in a small way too! I am so glad that Samuel has a great teacher that keeps the focus on God for his music as he grows up.

I have also taught music for the last 10 years off and on, and I am thrilled that this part of my life is getting back together! (after taking breaks to have children)  A new generation of young musicians to be trained in music for God.  On top of all the other perks of them getting good memory, good focus, good confidence, good patience....and so much more!

I am thankful for a church that is helping to form the next generation by teaching Patch the Pirate, Bible verses, and good example with orchestra and special music!  All children can learn to play and serve, it's up to us as parents to support that and get behind it!  When our children are learning good Godly music to sing it reinforces life long principles that they will forever remember!  I love it when my children break out singing to their favorite song they learned in Sunday School, or Patch Clubs and it keeps their mind focused on God.

Parents, even if you do not play or listen to music GET YOUR KIDS INVOLVED!!!  It is a skill that is quickly becoming a lost art in this world.  So many take music and pervert it or no longer even learn it at all.  Get involved with your family, and make the changes to see how music can change your life for the best!

Our children are too precious for the world to steal with their music and lies!  Make the difference for your family.

Psalms 127:3 - Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward.

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