Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Why we love to Homeschool


So, I say a lot "this is why I love homeschool!".  Thinking through today (especially this rainy gloomy weather) has me going even more on "why do I really love homeschool?"

Yesterday I came across a quote by Martin Luther King Jr:

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”

Do I love that my older children are in a grumpy mood and don't want to cooperate today?  Do I love that my toddler decided to tear up the Kindergarten papers?  Do I love that my baby decided to be the center of attention so I had to do everything one handed?  Do I love that my laundry is still not put away from 3 days ago? Do I love that we had to write a letter S five times, and that no one was in the mood for Math?

No, those are not the reasons I love it.  Those are the days I want to gift them off to a full time school so I can take a break!

The reasons like today though remind me again why I truly love what I do.

Today I watched as my two year old learned a new shape and glued 20 of his favorite hearts onto a paper for the first time.  Today, I watched two boys that do not get along well, work together in order to make a pie for history. Today I watched them try their first piece of Horehound Candy (like we had read in their book). Today I watched as two girls became friends.  Today I got to snuggle my baby while I cooked lunch and taught classes.  Today I watched my children work, cooperate, learn, and grow together!

I do love that my kids academically are ahead of their peers, I do enjoy teaching, and I do love homeschooling.  But more important than ALL of that... I love watching my children grow, mature, and learn, and love on a daily basis.  Even on the hard days, those little things are why I love what I do.

Daily I get to study the Bible with my children. Daily I get to be there are they build and create new things.  Daily I get to help them cook, grow, experiment, and play!

I also like that when my hands on child doesn't need a paper that day, we don't.  I love that when my paperwork-loving child needs more, we do!  I love seeing them explore in and out of their comfort zones socially and academically.  I love being involved with my children's lives in all the areas!  I also love the flexibility to do more (like music lessons, horse lessons, basketball) and more!

Growing our children's character is the MOST important thing as a parent we can do.  This is above all why I truly love doing what I do.

3 John 1:4:  I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

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