Friday, January 6, 2017

Birthday Boy turned 6!

Wow!  Six years already??

I very much remember six years ago having my first baby and being scared to death!  I was responsible for another human being??  I felt barely able to be responsible for myself.

Psalms 127:3 - Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward.

I cannot believe how much has changed the last six years.  Becoming a mother changed me so much.  I went from highly unstable, over emotional, and struggled to commit to anything long term to a mom who feels stable, committed, and going strong!  So much of that was having to be responsible for another person and put all my focus into him!

Samuel was my easy baby, snuggled great, potty trained easily, talked early, walked early, and is a sweet-hearted child.

I love watching him grown and learn and he LOVES to learn!  Seeing things through the eyes of my son changes the world.  He is peaceful, happy, loving, kind, and makes friends with everyone.  He is smart, focused, and love to learn every new thing from horses, to basketball, to piano... nothing stops this kid!  My heart's desire is that as he grows he continues to be an example!

1 Timothy 4:12 - Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

I am also so thankful for the amazing friends he has made over the last few years.  The families have become dear to us, and we love our friends and family!

Looking back and seeing how scared I was at the beginning, and how far he has come.  It amazes me daily that God has allowed me to raise a precious child for Him.  I pray daily that Samuel will grow up and serve and love God with all his heart.

We are not just raising children, but we are raising the next generation!  Susanna Wesley is one of my favorite mothers to look to.  She may not have realized how much she would impact the world by how she raised her children, but she did!  I may not be a professional in anything, or amazing or life changing to the world, but I can be life changing to my children who can go out and be incredible!

I love you Samuel and cannot wait to see how much your life will become!!

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