Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday Fun Friendsgiving!

OK, so apparently there is this new thing called "Friendsgiving."  I personally have never heard of it, but I figure we like to do things with friends, and it's almost Thanksgiving, so why not??

To start with, our curriculum does NOT do school on Fridays.  This makes me have a day for catch up work, field trips, home school co-op, doctor appointments, or personal time off.  I love having a four day school week for this very reason!  We like to call our Friday's our "FUN DAYS" because we more often than not, do something fun with our friends that day.

Breakfast is kind of a big deal on Friday Fun days!  I like to mix it up with banana bread, or muffins, or something a little more fun than normal cereal, eggs, toast, etc.  Today I went with Banana Oatmeal Chocolate muffins!  I am a big advocate for finding a way to have chocolate in a semi healthy way.  Normally it's chocolate protein banana smoothies, or else adding it to my muffins like I did today.  After eating some amazing muffins and drinking Zeal, I was ready to go with an awesome Friday!!

Step one of today was getting caught up with some school work because we did field trips earlier this week and needed to catch up today.  I was so excited today to watch my preschoolers and PreK kids finally get what I was teaching them!!  They sang their songs great, did all their actions, listened to their stories, and did great with their pattern cards.  Ezekiel even was identifying his sizes and shapes correctly.  After two weeks of wondering "do these kids really get it??" today was so relieving to see it all click in and be applied. 

My mom (also an amazing teacher) did a great science project this morning.  The first graders are learning about flowers, plants, and all the parts of them, so we added everyone to the fun!  Life saver in homeschooling is to group things together as much as possible for subjects like Bible, Science, and History!  They disassembled, and labeled parts of flowers and learned a lot about wind (it's SO windy today!!) and weather as well!

After lunch I got kids laid down in front of our FIRST fire of the season!  We have really been enjoying this cool front that came in with fresh, crisp, fall air!  The boys slept by the fire, and I had a very impromptu lunch date with a friend.  

Now, I do have a very blessed luxury that most moms do not have, and that is having two other full time adults (my husband and mother) that help with school and house.  I am SO grateful for this, because it's the only way we get everything done.  I am not a miracle worker, so others that see only that do not see all the behind the scenes that happens.

Lunch date with the girls!!

Due to illness not all our friends could make it today, but we did have fun with the ones that could make it!   The kids thoroughly enjoyed turning themselves into pilgrims, making thankful trees, and then finishing it off with Charlie Brown Mayflower, and hot chocolate!

My favorite part of all these fun crafts is Oriental Trading Company!  They make easy to assemble, affordable crafts which are perfect for the ages that I'm working with.  Anything with stickers, fun colors, and fun themes is great in my book.  These fun friend days are much needed, and I'm very thankful for them.

The days get crazy, the kids get fussy, but at the end of it all STAY THANKFUL, stay happy, and never forget all the little things that make it all worth it!

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