Thursday, November 17, 2016

Making the Zoo New!

So in order to condense my crazy life into one area here goes a blog!!

I truly do love what I do and the last few months have been a crazy adventure as we home-school 8 kids!  Yes, it can be daunting and stressful at times but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Today was a day where we needed a break! Yes, that morning where it's not even 9:00 and mom is already tired and ready to pull her hair out, meanwhile all the children are hyper and unfocused! We have been busy all week but today as we started school I realized my focus was gone, as well as the kids.  This called for an impromptu Zoo Trip!  Now this gets boring at times when we go few times a month, so we switched things up today.

Somehow the small act of changing which direction we went through the zoo (going frontwards instead of backwards) completely changed the experience for the kids!  We were able to fully enjoy the fall air, watch the leaves changing, and experience a whole new season at the Zoo!  Many animals were awake today that normally are asleep in the summer mornings.

I loved seeing the excitement as different animals were awake today, and they didn't know what was next because we changed it up!  We learned a lot about each animal and they could not get enough of the "new" view. and focusing on animals we normally bypass easily.  At the end of our adventure the Zookeepers were doing an orangutan talk and we got to see the new expecting (pregnant) ape, as well as learn more about them!  The best part for the kids was seeing them up close and active, which we don't often see.

Today's lesson was make changes in the little things and take a breather when need be!  After we got home and did lunch it was amazing at how we were now ready to get our classes done!

By 3:00 I felt accomplished!  Now, the house was a mess but school was done, we got tons of fun stress less morning that we all needed!  Never be afraid to just run crazy and change it up for sanity sake.

Now as it's evening, we still managed to spend most of the day outside, learned new things, and did get things cleaned up!  Not perfect but nothing ever is with our crazy adventure!  What is perfect is a house of happy kids sitting quietly with us doing a fun movie after a successful day.

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