Hey everyone!
We had a pretty great Thanksgiving this year!! We ended up having a few families over, which ended up a fun, friend-filled Thanksgiving. The kids helped make the sides thanks to our Raddish Kids cooking course, which included an apple pie, home style potatoes, and stuffin muffins!! The dads got the Turkeys cooked, so the whole family got involved with cooking this holiday.

This was the first Thanksgiving we did at OUR house this year because we normally go out of state to visit my husband's family. Doing it at home was much more relaxing, and having a house full of friends and family was so much fun. My parents, and college brother were able to make it, and at the end of the day we were filled up on Turkey, fun, card games, trampolines, football, and pie!
ALSO my exciting part for the pie was I found a RHUBARB pie!!! This is a pretty big deal for me because every year I have to track one down, and they are hard to find in the south. Suffice it to say, I definitely converted a couple of Southerners to the amazingness of Rhubarb-strawberry pie!
Thanksgiving evening, my husband took me out for our first Black Friday shopping! Normally we don't do this (due to crowds and craziness) but we had a list planned out and everything on it was on sale!! Took us 35 minutes to get all our Christmas shopping for everyone done, and saved hundreds of dollars, so I say it was well worth it.
Black Friday we got to actually do NOTHING, except watch movies, listen to Christmas music, and decorate the tree. I cannot remember the last time we had a movies and pajama day, so we all enjoyed that long break after a busy holiday.
Saturday and Sunday our house finally got hit with the stomach bug. We were the ninth family we knew around us to get it, so I'm glad it came and went quickly. Little bit of homemade soup, lots of Zeal and lots of essential oils knocked it out fast! Bonus for us was Mira and I dodged the stomach bug, so I am thankful for that, and I was able to take care of everyone else. Zealed up a lot and kept my immune system going.

Homeschooling has been great!! Normally I take the month of December off of "regular" school, but this year our PreK has a Christmas unit, as well as our 2nd grade. This has been allowing us to focus on Christmas, but not lose track of our school year. I LOVE that the kids work so well together!! When the 2 year old decides to join in on 2nd grade, they include him and help him with his things. The kids ALL got to do a fun painting project all at their different levels, but it kept things together. I cannot say enough great things about our curriculum (My Father's World) because it allows me to combine so many subjects like Science, Bible, and History for my groups. While the older kids to handwriting, the younger ones to sign language, and we keep everyone learning and involved all day long! We had several days where our Kindergartner thought he hadn't done school yet that day, because he was having too much fun with our learning projects and he didn't realize it was all part of our school curriculum. Having a hands on curriculum that is very flexible makes my prep work easy, which is very necessary for homeschooling six children all at different ages and levels! We also have been incorporating Nest videos and we love it!! They have history and Bible that is very accurate and well done. Bonus for us is each video has quizzes, and other educational features, so these make GREAT reviews after a week of learning!
Fitness for me is hard! I hate working out, and I struggle to be accountable to a workout schedule. Last month I joined Camp Gladiator and it has been great!!! I keep involved with other moms, and our coach does nothing but motivate and encourage us! I have so much fun and I'm pushing myself harder than I would otherwise. My husband got me a FitBit over the Black Friday sales, and that has been wonderful for keeping me motivated as well! It lets me set personal goals, and keeps me accountable to it as well. I started adding walks with the dogs and other small things, where I would normally just crash at the end of the day to watch Netflix. I love feeling productive and in shape, I just need that small push to keep me focused.
I hope everyone had a phenomenal Thanksgiving weekend!! There is so much more I could say, but I will just leave it at that for now.
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