Our children are not going to remember every big thing we do for them, but they WILL remember the little things. The building of tree forts, the tent city you created, the lego tower they spent an hour on, that bedtime story you let them stay up extra for. These are all the precious little moments that you can't get back.
As a busy mom, it's easy to lose sight of these precious small moments because we are so caught up in "doing" everything.
A few things we did that made a big difference in the simple things:
1) Evaluate what is draining you.
Is it friendships, activities, not getting a "family" day? Whatever it is in your life, find the big draining part and take a step back from it!
Although I am "always" on social media, I've learned to take an hour every day to just set aside for ME to either do something extra (without my phone on me) or just read a book, or clean the house... whatever it is I need for me that day. Kids need time with mommy too without worrying her phone is gonna go off. Turning off notification settings on my phone helps too. Don't feel the pressure to always be "there" the second you get a message. Spend a few moments disconnecting.
3) Focus on one area of the home every day. Set a tangible goal.
There were days I would get so caught up in the "doing" of everything that it was overwhelming, and making me frustrated all day. Feeling this way can make you lose a lot of the daily joy of your home. For me it's been "go go go" all week and then overwhelmed with the house. I have tried every form of zone cleaning, lists, schedules, etc... but it never works for us. What DID work, however was every morning finding ONE specific area I wanted to get done in my home, and knock that out first. Whether it be doing two loads of laundry, mopping my kitchen, cleaning the pet cage, vacuuming my car, cleaning the cupboard....just ONE thing that is important that day, and get it done. When I feel accomplished in my one thing, it boosts up my motivation to get more done. And some days, I get only that one things done, and that's okay. The point is to set a tangible goal for your day and get it done!

This last few weeks I have been noticing a lot more "moments" that I was previously missing by feeling too busy or overwhelmed. Now I enjoy that my two year old held my dustpan to help me clean. I enjoyed the fact they all were helping each other at the park. I love that my 6 month old just wanted to make silly faces and soak up the sun. I enjoyed that my 4 year old just wanted to read an extra book at story time.
When I feel overwhelmed with something, I just put it on hold and take a step back. Don't push through it if it's not critical. My question for me is "tomorrow, will it have made a drastic difference?" If it's not critical to get done, step back and breathe!
Take the time to enjoy your family. It only happens once, and we don't want to be so busy in the "doing" of things that we forget to take a step back and enjoy the now of what we have.
5) Learn to say NO.
I love doing everything, and being part of every social activity! Some days, it's still fun to do that, but it's also okay to say "no" and just spend time doing what YOU need to do. It's not being mean, or anti-social when you take time for you and your family. It's a balance of being involved and not being overwhelmed. Moms, take the time to say "no" when you need to and focus on the blessings of your day.
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